Circuit / Device Simulation |
We have 50+ years in circuit simulation of
electronic circuits with emphasis on switching power supply
Transim Technology developed the web interface
for online simulation tools for companies like Intersil, Renesas, Maxim,
Fairchild, Spansion and so forth. I2D has created the high end power
supply IC models for most of the companies under Transim.
Other customers
that I2D work directly with like Renesas Space-Rad
Hard group, Microchip and Loral Space Systems
For Space Rad Hard applications, highly accurate
simulation models are created with statistical analysis
In addition to circuit simulation, limited
Electrical Magnetic modeling of magnetic devices can be done
Simulation tools that we have available
- SIMetrix
- SPICE Simulator
- PSPICE compatible
- Simplis
- State-space simulator used for switching power supplies
- Uses SIMetrix as the graphics input / output
- Cadence
- Orcad for card layout
- Ansoft EM - PSPICE
- Electro-Magnetic modeling
Experience with
- Translation between different SPICE simulators
Developed our own tools that we use to speed up the creation
of devices
- Modeling Op-Amps and drivers
- Modeling MOSFETs
- Transformer designer